This Kind of Poem - NaPoWriMo - #2

A poem, I was told, had to rhyme, it should
ring like a wind-blown chime, it should

When the words, take space on the sheet, they must
also mean, something, indiscreet, they must

And the laughs should be high,
like the limit of the sky

And the love and the pain,
in your loss, or in gain

Must be seen through your heart
like the colour shades in an art

For the emotions must reign, in 
the expression of a sight plain

And only then, you have a song , you do
feel proud, to have it sung, you do

--- --- --- ---

So I heard about National Poetry Writhing Month(NaPoWriMo) a few weeks ago, and decided that I would take part in it. Guess where I put the reminder for it then...guess. In my brilliant mind. Hence, I am a day late in remembering and starting on day 2.

Please feel free to comment, love, hate or give feedback on these as I post from today onwards.

Also, I and Ashna, from 'Pages of a Young Diary' are doing a sort of competition(or so I think :P), so please check out her blog as well.

Thanks for reading. If you want to take part in this awesome thing as well, check out their website.

P.S: Abrupt ending to the poem, I know :X :X


  1. Oi Oi. Why, I actually liked this poem about poems, especially your choice of words. Your poem did it's job, I guess. Reminded me of loater (ha ha) and its characters' love for poem-songs!

    Maybe we're going to discover the world of poetry through this, and discover our own talents, too! I'm excited about this whole thing now. :D Some good competition you're giving!

    1. Thank you so so much. 'You' are the one who is giving a tight competition by the way. Also, if it makes you, or anyone any less disgusted, I had to take a break for dinner after the fourth stanza, and come back with a full stomach and hazy mind, so please do excuse the screw up.

    2. What screw up? Duh. This is the problem with you talented writers. You don't believe in your random writing enough.


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