Desert - NaPoWriMo - #22
The sun climbs up quite early here
For it has no mountains to mount,
no buildings to shine through
not even trees to filter from
The wind comes charging with might
no buildings to shine through
not even trees to filter from
The wind comes charging with might
making a scandal with land
breaking it apart into tiny pieces,
carrying it along, changing its face
The rain comes too, sometimes,
seldom, does it quench the thirst
a thirst of thousands of years, a thirst
that remains, much before it has gone
Nothing lives long here; nothing, of colour
can walk and retain that beauty for long
unless you are a cacti and have thorns
it's as simple as you dry, you die and get born
You will find spirits here though,
spirits of old age; the ones who survive,
along with the crawlers of the sand, the ones who
know the place and call it their own land
This poem is part of National Poetry Writing Month. I am competiting with a friend of mine, who is easily the better one at this. But I have my nose above the water still, let's hope I reach land :P
Find my earlier poems this months in the Poem tab in the menu above.
P.S: The numbering of poems is according to the date instead of the actual number that I have written. Bear with me.
Aaah! I love this description of a desert area. Perfect poem material. Complete with that unique mystic quality found in your writing. :') You win this one too!