Perfection, The Pursuit of
Sometimes, I get totally annoyed with myself and feel completely enraged with the things that happen to me I do to myself. Procrastination and not being able to complete things(goals which I set for myself) on time, turn out to be the main reasons for this rage most of the times. And it's not that I freak out at the drop of a hat each and every time, but I do feel angry and even helpless sometimes when certain tasks or things I intend to do keep on getting delayed.
The recent reason, and big enough to actually write about it here, is one article, actually not just one article but a whole series of articles that I intend to write as a sort of something special on this blog for a long time. And I have an idea to do something like this since forever. I know the theme, I've decided on the subjects I am going to write on, I've even thought about format a little, it's just the content which is keeping me from writing it down and posting.
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I found this image after writing the post. |
The core problem which stands, and have always stood in my way with stuff I love or take seriously, is that I strive a little too much for perfection. I always want my work to be perfect, how it actually turns out is a different matter altogether. I specially like what I write to be nothing short of perfect, to be just rightly balanced, to be complete. And I am not trying to boast about my awesome qualities here. It's actually a very big problem, a curse even.
Because really, all that I get as a result in the end is a slack, naive and brazenly a-little-short-of-stupid piece when compared to how good I actually want to be. And all this after hours of thinking, researching(in case of some serious topics, which I am supposed to do with this series as well) and writing and re-writing bits and parts of it.
Because really, all that I get as a result in the end is a slack, naive and brazenly a-little-short-of-stupid piece when compared to how good I actually want to be. And all this after hours of thinking, researching(in case of some serious topics, which I am supposed to do with this series as well) and writing and re-writing bits and parts of it.
And no matter how much I think or try to get out of this idealist mold, I don't. I know it does me more bad than good in the long run, but my ideas always stand in the way. Sometimes, I think that it is rather good that I ultimately post something which I actually like, even if it means two posts a month, or one. But then, it doesn't make up for the amount of stories I would like to write or poems or other posts which I sometimes postpone so much because of this problem that they lose their significance and I end up dropping them altogether.
Take for instance this series, I have been wanting to start it since July. First, I thought I'd start on 1st July, then I postponed it to 15th July, then 1st Aug and so on till now. I was supposed to write it today and since I couldn't get myself to do that and since I desperately wanted to write something, I started writing this. Maybe I often let loose, because I set the deadlines and I check on them. Maybe I should do it the other way and maybe this time I shall do a formal declaration right here. Okay then, here it goes,
"I, Usama Sulaiman, promise to whosoever is still reading this crappy boring post that I'll start this new series named ...err 'A Cynic's Take' (since I am completely cynical), where I'll post on topics/stuff which relates to all of us in ways, big or small, on 15th of this month. And I shall pick up at least one new topic each month"
Writing this does make the blurred vision of this future post a little more clear. But one question still remains. Is this pursuit of perfection sensible enough to let go of the posts that I miss along the way? Or to put it in other words, Should I invest in more time to post lesser in number, but sensible posts, or should I post whatever, whenever and in however condition it turns out later.
P.S: If both of my options look wrong, please suggest a workaround to this problem. I really need help.
Oh Usama, all I could think of while reading this was 'cute' :P Don't ask why, I don't know!
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note, I know you're worried about it. Though it's actually not as much of a problem as u think it is, I also know it's something that's bothering you nevertheless.
It's okay. One, we're born procrastinators.
Two, writing is funny! And crazy too. What you think today is awesome (like a topic or an idea or even a certain way of writing), the next day you might not think that way. Best thing is, keep a separate notebook for this. Preferably a really cute one (though not so cute that you wouldn't want to write in it :P ). When you think of ideas, jot them down. Believe me, if at a later stage you go back and check, you'll laugh at some of them.
So the thing is, don't force yourself to write something just because at one point in time you thought the idea was cool. Of course, your idea of cynical posts IS super cool (and please, start already, will you?) and I'm very sure you really want to go ahead, but don't force yourself.
As far as being a perfectionist goes, that can definitely be a reason. I'll suggest you don't think too much about it being perfect too. You might not enjoy writing it if you're constantly wondering if it's perfect or what else you should do. Just write one post. Post it. Write the next one on the due date, post it. You'll get better eventually! I can promise you that! Because this is YOUR platform, no one's judging you, it's for you first, right?
You write awesome, all-the-time! If you worry again about this, I'll come after you. Sach me.
I hope all this blabbering helps :P
And also, there's this thing called NaNoWriMo that happens every November. It's kind of an inspiration thingy for writers, where the aim is to write 50,000 words in the month of November (I know Nov is an awesome month ;) ) with around 1600 words daily. Waise it's for those who're writing a book, but not necessarily. I wanted to participate but you know how I'm stuck, I actually can't. Probably you can try :)
DeleteThank you so much Ashna, for this wonderful wonderful comment. I think that's the reason maybe, the not-so-excited-about-writing-on-this-now thing. And it is actually a good way out of it, to just about what you want to write about WHEN you have the urge and not leave it for some other time, thinking 'I would write better if I write on it later'.
DeleteBy the way, I do have a notepad, it's not cute exactly, but I am saving it for something, I don't even know for what, I am just holding onto it for months thinking I'll use it for something better. But now, I am going to stop doing that. Because, maybe I'll get a better diary/pad for writing better things later on. ;)
About the NaNoWriMo, I think I saw that in my notifications some days ago, Nick participated in that as far as I remember. Will check it, and participate(hopefully). :D
P.S: I am not going to worry about this now, for all, you'll be hitting me with those rays through your eyes :P Bad joke, I know. :P
You dare use that eye joke? You think you can get out unscathed now? Some nerve you have. I'd watch out now if I were you! ;)
Deleteo_O :O :/
DeleteSince Ashna has already the relevant part, I'd just say that it's always a positive growing graph for a writer. And you have grown exponentially and in a very unique way! I still remember some of your stories just because they touched me in my imagination and took me to another place! :)
ReplyDeleteYou have to write when you feel like, when words start coming out of your heart. That's what makes a perfect post, for me. I have always loved your posts because I have found a bit of frankness, individuality and imagination in them. This is your blog and here you decide when to shoot a post! Take your time and let the words themselves make their way here, without any push!
By the way, I do want those cynical posts up here soon! :P
Yes, I guess going with the heart is the way to post. Without working it up or thinking too much. I guess that's what makes a blog, otherwise it'll be more of a job rather than an escape.
DeleteSometimes, it takes a reminder to get back on the track. Thanks for the comment and for being such a support. :)
P.S: We miss your blog posts.
ReplyDeleteWell this post compelled me to comment - as this one was a thought provoking one!
I have always been told about my "regular blogging" but on the flip side I have heard more criticism than compliments for blogging extensively. Some people like it some don't. But for me the fact is I love it. It is a part of me and it acts as an outlet for me. I don't make an effort to do that. It just comes and I just write. There are times when I write 3-4 posts a day and I don't worry what "they" will think for they are any which ways bound to think..might as well be about Me ;)
Similarly for you - you write when you feel like and want to..that is what it Rachit said "Coming from the heart". Never worry about anything else..just listen to what your heart says and when it says just do it. The point is to enjoy yourself and exercise your right to freedom of speech and expression. There is no body else but YOU who can do that and you should not let anyone else do it for you too! This is your palette - paint it the way you want and not the way others want to see it.
Will be looking forward to those "cynical posts" of yours!! :)
Hi Me,
DeleteThanks a lot for commenting. I indeed have realised that 'it' should really be about natural transformation of thoughts/ideas to pen(in this case keyboard :P) and not about something mechanical which needs to be perfected.
I totally agree with you on the palette reference, I shall paint it the way I want. :D
As far as that 'regular blogging' remark goes, I think it shouldn't matter unless it really hampers your work/study. After all, you love it. :)