

I love it,
when the chill of the dawn
makes me curl up 
like a baby new born

I love it,
when golden rays at the sunrise
makes me rub my
skin and close my eyes

I love it,
when the jolly mornings
make me beam like
a birthday boy with presents

I love it,
when rustling sounds of the leaves
makes me sit back,
and just, dream in the breeze

I love it,
when the quiet afternoons
make me notice
the smallest things in the room

I love it,
when the red at horizon
makes me stare at
it with an enchanting zen

I love it,
when the clear night skies
make me count and
draw shapes in the stars

I love it,
when cool winds from my window
pats me, strokes me
and takes me to sleep 

- It seems now, that there is more than just the rains which I actually love. Though I've said October in the title, but in fact I wrote this late in September and I think this whole season, this Harvest or Autumn, I secretly love most things about it. Its like a respite from the blistering heat and humidity, which were and the harsh winters, which are soon to come. Do you love it too? 


  1. Oh yes I love it too!! :)

    Loved your poem Usama :)

    1. Thanks a lot Abinaya. I'm glad you liked the poem. :)

  2. I love it. ;)

    Lovely observation and I like the way it's so easy to form a picture in your mind about this poem! I enjoy this weather too, just like you said, a respite from heat and humidity. Though I always say I love November best, it's just this time I refer to (the whole autumn season). :)

    1. Well, November is November. You got to love it. ;)
      By the way, it's only this year that I'm realizing how much I like/love different seasons/months. ;) And something tells me that November will be as awesome. :D

  3. I love walking through the streets in this season; in this month. I just LOVE it!

    Your words reminded me of a great season that is coming soon enough. Guess I should be prepared with all bad memories out of my mind. :D

    1. Yes, a great season is coming. And yes, don't let even the tiniest bit of bad memory stay in your mind. Flush 'em out. :D

  4. I love the smell, I love the feel, I love the entire weather, I love to get early in the morning to see the dew drops.
    Ohh dear you wrote such a lovely poetry :) Glad I came across your blog. I would love to follow you, your blog is simply awesome & I like the honesty with which you dwell in those thoughts! Take care

    1. You don't how glad I am to read this. Thank you so much for coming to the blog and reading it...and liking it. :)
      I'd definitely love it if you keep coming back to read :D

      God bless You. :)


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