Awards at Randomized

Hello everybody (basically the four and five awesome generous people who come to read my posts here), I am feeling quite nice and carefree today so I am going to be pretty careless about those tight scripts which I usually stick to, which is just another way of saying that I am not going to be a prick and will write what comes to my mind(mostly), except for the questions that I am going to ask the person who gets the award here because I've already decided on them. So yeah...well mostly. ;) And yes, there will be smileys. Lots of them I suppose. :P <- See... So, coming to the point, that is, awards. Yes, as difficult as it is for my own self to believe, I actually got awards for this blog of mine, which is, to say the truth, a truly awesome amazing deal and I felt like flying in total excitement when I got my first award :D :)). I shall talk more about it below and without wasting more time and space I shall get down to list the awards that I got, ...