The unseen voice I follow

People often associate reverence, piety and closeness to God with a certain wisdom (or knowledge) in the sense that one realises the frivolity of worldly affairs and life and ascends to deeper knowledge of conscience. As one moving out to the mountains and removing oneself from capital and carnal desires.

One is wise, people of faith say, if he listens to the reasons of God and not that of the people.

Let me try and paint a scene for you in relation to this.

Suppose, that you find yourself in a strange, dreamy sort of a place/space; a sort of square with people standing about. You don't know any of the people there even though there are a lot of them. You obviously want to know where you are and how you could go out and back to your home from there. People approach you and you tell them what is it that you want and all of them try to show and tell you the way you should take, very opinionatedly. You get confused and get more worried than before, knowing not who to listen to and who to believe. But then, you hear a voice which it seems only you can hear; you don't see who is speaking to you but it is very clear. It too, directs you towards a possible way out. It says that it wants to help you asks you to trust it and follow the lead (which by the way some people around you have also done).

Whose advice would you follow?


Humility, Trust and Kindness are some of the most crucial things that make us human. Most of the people in the scenario would choose to go with the voice from an unknown origin. Some with a reason and some without.

But rationalisation and reasoning or the lack of them, are not at the core of this scene. What choosing the voice-unknown shows here, is the presence of two of those three things, Humility and Trust, in a much greater manner than if one had chosen a path herself/himself after listening to all the people around. Kindness would come into play too here, but not as much as the other two.

I think religion and belief are more about these three qualities that make a homo sapiens a human being. We are emotional beings first, and intelligent beings later. Emotions are hard-wired into us. They have been for ever. In comparison, the intelligence and rationale are evolving, and will always continue to do so.

What we need to understand is that not intelligence, but emotions, are what defines us. Rational thinking makes us better, but that isn't the bar by which human beings should be judged. If an intelligent person lacks humility, trust and kindness, he can't be called a better person.


I believe in God, in the voice unseen because it (the belief) gives me a chance to look upon things in a new light and because that new light has the potential to make me become so much better a human being. I believe in God because the ways He shows with his invisible voice have always proven to be the better one; both for me and for those around me as a result of my choices and actions. No matter in how small or big a way it affects.

In return, what He asks of me is to have complete faith in Him. That, I do have. He clears up my doubt when I have them; He answers my questions through different ways and sources; and when I don't completely understand his answers and reasons, He asks of me to just trust Him.

That is difficult, or too much to ask. We all do that one or the other time with our loved ones around us. I trust Him when he asks me to give up certain things in order to become a better person and to attain humility.

It is a relationship. Relationship are based not on rationale, but emotions.

If it were not based on trust and emotions and I were to think it rationally and completely critically, fasting for 30 days straight from dawn to dusk would just seem like an uninvited punishment. As the world around me would seem to go about as it did before, with no one who isn't fasting like me affected at all. But I realise that it affects me deeply, in many ways. It makes me strong of will. At the same time, it fills me with humility and kindness towards those who are forced to go through such fast throughout the year, without having the means to afford food that is available to me, and who still have to remain calm and patient and hopeful day-in and day-out. It makes my heart kinder, and kindness is something that multiplies.

If I did not believe and trust in Him completely, I would not see how giving up an earning that I could generate on my savings through interest, would be a good thing. It would just look like a forced limitation, which stops me from affording a little more for myself and my family; something which would have been according to the law of the land. But I realise how even if I would earn a little extra, it would play a part in making everything around me a little costlier. Which will in turn, make it even harder for those of little-means to get their basic needs day after day.

There are many more things, that I might refuse to trust the unseen voice on, but in each of those cases, I have realised that it was better for me and others to not do that. Again, in no matter how small or big a way it is.


Talking of faith, I want to summarise a past tale/incident. Ibrahim(Abraham), who was a prophet, had a child, a son, after a very long time, at the age of more than 80.

Some years down the line, he saw dreams that he is sacrificing his son. Knowing that God interacts with prophets through dreams, he realised that it was a message from God to offer his son's life as a sacrifice. He was obviously disturbed, but later told his son about the dreams and what it possibly meant.

His son, himself close to God and wise beyond his years, told his father that he should do as God asks of him and that he, the boy, is ready to sacrifice his life for it.

Hence, they agreed upon a day and went up the nearby hill to carry out the task. On their way, they came around the devil thrice, who insisted and urged on their own fears and told Ibrahim how it was a mistake that he was going to make a sacrifice of his young son.

'Who will support you in your last days? Isn't this the boy you got after years of prayers and patience? What God asks of his men to sacrifice their own sons?', the devil said. But each time Ibrahim pelted the devil with stones and stayed on his path.

Upon arrival, his son asked to be blindfolded and placed face down so that his father may not falter in carrying out the deed. But just as he was going to make the sacrifice, he was stopped by God and told that his sacrifice has been made in His eyes. A ram/goat was instead provided to them and told to be sacrificed.

Different people will see it differently. It is hard to digest it at first, specially when one thinks entirely in the sense of pros and cons; when one fears the obvious from happening if he were to have such faith as to be called blind. But when you see the life of a person who is as devoted and trusting believing, you see it differently. One would have to see it emotionally rather than using logic to understand.

And when you do, you see that the biggest sacrifice in this, is the sacrifice of one's desires. Willing to give one's dearest belongings in the wake of God's call. In the process, you reach the highest level of humility and trust.


Everyone is entitled to his beliefs and faith. But what to say when his faith or belief and the actions arising thereof affects others in a negative way? If you take the leap of faith, it is okay. But what to do if others get hurt directly or indirectly as a result?


I don't have a working TV at home currently, so a lot of news and trends, specially local, don't reach me on time. And I am content with that. But I heard about something recently that made me think and eventually come here and write something about it. 

It was Eid ul Adha four days ago. The night before that, a friend mentioned a term 'eco-friendly' Eid in reference to the sacrifice of animals; and I replied how it was already eco-friendly. It was nothing and I forgot about it as soon as I slept. But yesterday, another friend told me how certain news channels were on some sort of a campaign call for this Eco-friendly Eid and showing disturbing images of rivers of blood flowing down streets (later appeared to be photoshopped). On googling, I came to know that a political party had proposed this term.

While it could be just another political party gimmick, and I know that such it affects and clouts the opinions and assumptions of unknowing citizenry. What worried me actually that this one, could very well influence the thoughts of a friend who I talk to regularly.

Many people these days, including those actually take part in commemorating this Eid day, don't fully understand what the purpose is, behind the sacrifice of animals. And not knowing that, it seems like just another ritualistic slaughter to appease a god.

Well, half knowledge is bad.


Their meat will not reach Allah , nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good.                 Verse (22:37)

This is one of the verses that talk about the sacrifice done on Eid al Adha. The latter part is a common theme in Qur'an where God asks men to be humble and talks of their awaiting rewards.

What is contextual is the first part. This is the reason people take part and this is the only reason people must take part in the sacrifice. People are supposed to be kind to the animal while rearing it and to take care of it in the best way possible. So that it would be an actual sacrifice and not a ritualistic slaughter.

Reverence and humility are the cause and effect of this day of Eid, not barbarity and feasting as someone might be led to believe. When I perform the deed of sacrifice each year, it is not with coldness and indifference towards the animal, but with compassion and the knowledge of what I am doing means.

Donation is at the core of this sacrifice too. You must donate 1/3rd of the meat to the poor, and distribute 1/3rd for neighbours and family as some might not be able to afford it. The maximum you can keep for your consumption is 1/3rd and even that would be better used to be donated.


Finally, about the eco friendliness of Eid. To that, there are guidelines to prepare for and perform the sacrifice and people the world over, specially in rural areas, don't let waste accumulate, by burying the blood and other byproducts (if not using them) as almost everything is biodegradable.

It is in cities, and specially in localities with dense population and lack of education that waste ends up in places where it shouldn't. There are often campaigns and advice in the mosque sermons before Eid al Adha, telling people how to keep the environment clean and avoid waste accumulation.

Still, I will agree that it is not the perfect scene in many urban centers today and people need to be educated more. And I feel that this call for eco-friendly Eid by the political party is actually a good one. People must be made aware and take care of their surroundings and make sure that it doesn't hurt other people's emotions.

Other than that, there are no rivers of blood anywhere, and no higher pollution emanations than the vehicles on road. Those are surprising and absurd lies.


Edit: If you've read the whole thing and reached here, and have opinions about what I said, then I would ask you to watch this video too if you have time.

It talks about the kind of life that Prophet Ibrahim had in brief and focuses on why actually we are celebrating this day of Eid. Thanks.


  1. Hello. Quite a bit of heavy stuff here. I liked your thoughts on the unseen voice that people let guide them and how emotions and faith are at the core of it. Sure, things make sense even if you don’t like them at the moment. A lot of historical things (including old texts used in religions across the globe) make sense but I also think it is important to understand and apply them in the context of the world in which you’re living (which is different from history in many ways). I’m glad you shared your perspective on the so-called “Eco-friendly” Eid (and I’m sure if it is on the news, it IS political. After all, why not ban meat in general? Crores of people eat mutton every day). But I still wish the ideal could be converted into something that suits the age. I have ideas, but I don’t want to share them here, and I know it will be pointless because even though many carry the sacrifices out in spirit, many would do it just because it is done, as do many people in many faiths. And suggesting an alternative using the logic (killing your desires and sacrificing a dear thing) would not be taken well. Nevertheless, we can only hope everyone takes it as you do—with understanding and care. :)

    1. Hi. Thanks for the comment Ashna. I too hope that everyone of those who take part in this commemoration of the day, do it with care and understanding, and that they attain the understanding and knowledge that God wills them to attain; including me.

      I would love to hear your ideas. I am glad to know that this post might bring out ideas and opinions from other people too, just like yours.

      Please see the video as well when you get time, it is as contextual as what I said about the topic.

      Take care!


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